Management of individual residential properties

Naša služba správy individuálnych rezidenčných nehnuteľností poskytuje kompletnú starostlivosť výhradne pre domy a byty.

Complete property management

As the owner of an apartment or house, are you staying abroad for a long time? We will manage your property for you.

Administration in scope

By finding a suitable tenant for your property

Drafting and conclusion of the Lease Agreement and other necessary documents in connection with the lease of your property

Communication with service providers at your property

Ensuring all payments in connection with the rental of an apartment or house for the owner of the given property - the lessor

Enforcement of all claims in connection with the rental of an apartment or house for the owner of the given property - the lessor

Inspection of the condition and use of the rented property

Ensuring the removal of any defects in connection with the rented property

Furnishing the rented property according to the tenant's requirements, after the prior consent of the owner of the given property - the landlord


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Dr. Rastislav MALOVEC, PhD., manager

IČO: 44 447 329

Public sector partner